UNESCO world heritage sites of Sri Lanka

Decleard by UNESCO as a world heritage site 1991, Sacred City of Anuradhapura has been made royal capital by the king Pandukabhaya in 380 BC. It remained residence and royal capital for 119 successive Singhalese kings till the year 1000 AD when it was abandoned and the capital moved to Polonnaruwa.

Referred locally as Eighth Wonder of the World, Ancient City of Sigiriya was decleard in 1982 as a world heritage site by UNESCO. The ancient palace and fortress complex and its significant archaeological importance probably made the most visited tourist destination of Sri Lanka.

UNESCO decleard Polonnaruwa as a world heritage site 1982. Ancient City of Polonnaruwa is located in the North-central Province is the 2nd Royal Kingdom of Sri Lanka, after down fall of Anuradhapuraya the 1st Royal Kingdom in 993. Ancient Polonnaruwa wit its remaining heritage was declared UNESCO as a world heritage site.

Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications decleard UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1988 Extremely fascinating architecture and views at the town, Old light house, museums, old shops, post office, old streets, Dutch Reformed Church, the Dutch fortifications and ramparts, the clock tower, the view of the cricket ground make a amazing experience.

Dambulla cave temple, also known as the Rangiri (Golden) Dambulla Royal Cave Temple is a World Heriatge Site by UNESCO in 1991 . It is the largest and best preserved cave temple complex in Sri Lanka. The rock towers 160m over the surrounding plains. There are more than 80 documented caves. Major attractions are inside five caves which contain statues and paintings.

Hill Capital City of Kandy is also one of the world heritage site decleard in 1988 by UNESCO and the last royal capital city of Sri Lanka. Kandy regarded as one of the most sacred places for Buddhists locating in the beautiful lush green hill country with its living cultural heritage.

The Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO
Sinharaja tropical lowland rainforest declread as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1988. It is the only undisturbed rain forest left in the Sri Lanka with 9000 hectares in extent. Sinharaja Forest rain forst is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians.

Central Highlands of Sri Lanka was declared 2010 by UNESCO with three natural heritages of the island. Knuckles Mountain Range in Kandy and Matale districts considerning the its value of socio and envirinmental heritage of fauna and the flora.

Adams Peak and Peak wilderness sancturyis the 4th highest 2244 M mountain in Sri Lanka. Adams Peak was the historical landmark of the island. Also the its peak wilderness sanctury forest reserve with high bio diversity.

Horton Plain National Park
the head waters of three major Sri Lankan rivers, the Mahaweli, Kelani, and Walawe and its also one of the bio diversity hotspot in the island.

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