Kandy City World Heritage Site by UNESCO

Kandy is one of the world heritage site decleard in 1988 by UNESCO and last royal capital city of Sri Lanka. Kandy regarded as one of the most sacred places for Buddhists locating in the beautiful lush green hill country.

The breathtaking sight of Kandy Lake is in the heart of the city with temple of the tooth of Buddha with the remaining parts of the royal palace complex. Walking around the Kandy Lake will be a one of the best bit of your travel but you could even do a boat ride also aiming the historical king rexation island in the middle of Kandy lake.
Bahirawakanda mountain in the west of centre of the Kandy Bahirawa Kanda meaning mountain of Bahirawa the demon associated with earth and territory. 1993 Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya temple was constructed on the top of the mountain with the colossal statue of Buddha.

The first steam locamotive entered the Kandy Railway Station on 30 April 1867 Kandy railway station in hill country is one of the major railway station in Sri Lanka with features both Modernist Victorian architecture. The station sits with a branch of the Main Line leading to the Matale Line.

With the memory bearing with Lord Louis Mountbatten and Kandyan arostrocracy, Swiss hotel is one of the oldest hotel in Kandy. It was the headquarters of the South East Asia Command under the last viseroy in World War 2. Swiss twin Queen's Hotel on the other side of the lake is also British Colonial style 3 star hotel with history over 160 years.

Wales Park, Wace Park or Royal Palace Park is quite small park just above the Kandy Lake front on the hill top named by Birish as Castle Hill overlooking the heart of Kandy city. It was established by Last King of Kandy Sri Wickrama Rajasinhe who also constructed the Kandy Lake and it was renamed as Wales Park in honor of the Prince of Wales British and Government Agent of the Central ProvincHerbert Wace (1851-1906)

Udawattekale Sanctury or The Garden Above the Royal Palace is declared as a forest reserve in 1856 and 1938 as a sanctuary. The extent of this forest is about 257 acres and located behind most sacred Sri Dalada Maligawa or Temple of the Tooth of the Buddha.

The Kandy Garrison Cemetery in Kandy city which established in 1817 as a burial ground for the British army who perished during the period of the British colonization. But it later admitted all sorts of colonialists. Kandy Civil Cemetery by the river Mahaweli outside the city with commonwealth burials of the 1914-1918 world war and 1939-1945 world wars.

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