Mountain geography of Sri Lanka

One reason to be named Sri Lanka as the Wonder of Asia is the mist covered or blue sky mountains of central highland, Knuckles Range and isolated around the island. Those mountains are drizzled with sparkling silver streams with crystal clear water and lavish greenery make picturesque views.

Plenty of amazing jaw-dropping view points at the edge of the mountains so called as Worlds Ends in Sri Lanka scattered across the hill country, each a spectacular destinations with eagle eye views.

Weather condition of Sri Lanka is tropical and climatically the island is divided into two zones as the Wet Zone that South Western region, Central Highlands and Knuckles Mountain Range. Dry zone that spreads over the Northern plains, North central plains, Eastern plains and the Northern and Eastern coastal belts.

Rainfall in Sri Lanka has multiple origins. Monsoon, Convectional and depression rain accounts for a major share of the annual rainfall. The mean annual rainfall varies from under 900mm in the driest parts southeastern and northwestern to over 5000mm in the wettest parts of western slopes of the central highlands.

The springs in mountains preliminary points that the seeping waters begin to drip to the lower lands the head waters which the long journey of the rivers of Sri Lanka begins. Finding out them with trekking is a great experience to be a river explorer.

Saptha Kanya or Sevan Vergin Mountain is a untouched and unspoiled Mountain Range in Central Highland of Sri Lanka sight from the way to Adams Peak while travelling along.

Ritigala Buddhist monastery complex situated within the Ritigala Strict Nature Reserve is a beautiful, peaceful jungle covered fantastic walk through unspoiled forest reserve.

In the southern end of Kandy district bordering the Colombo to Kandy railway line stands massive Alagalla the Potato Mountain Range as well as well known Balana Kandyan fortress also near by.

Kondagala rock is situated in Kandy distict at Loolkadura estate near Delthota via Galaha road. Loolkadura estate is the first tea plantation in Sri Lanka then Ceylon started in 1867 by Scotsman James Taylor

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