Atamasthana the scared eight places worshiped by Buddhists in Sri Lanka

Most prestigious Buddhist sites of Atamasthana religious places located in ancient Maha Mewna Uyana mean great thounderbolt and lighning garden in Anuaradapuraya. This is the places where Lord Buddha once had visited during his three visits to Sri Lanka.

Sri Maha Bdodiya is one of the most magnificent place in Anuradhapuraya. The spirituality and the presence of Lord Buddha can be felt once someone is near by. Beneath the Boo tree the shrine with blue water lily and other flowers are worshiped.

Lovamahapaya is a stone columns building structure situated between Ruwanweliseya and Sri Mahabodiya which built by King Dutugemunu in 161 to 131 BC , described as an edifice of nine stories.

Nice, huge and Calm Ruwanwalisaya is supposed to be the biggest Stupa in the world and said to have the largest collection of Buddha's relics built by king Dutugemunu in 161 to 131 BC.

Mirisavatiya Sthupa was built by King Dutugemunu in 161 to 131 BC after beating battle with south indian invader King Elara. One of the Buddha's relics enshrined in here.

Abayagiriya Dagaba built in the rein of King Walagambahu in 103 BC and c. 89 to 77 BC. Its one of the three huge Stupa in Anuradapura with Ruwanwalisaya and Jethawanaramaya.

Jethawanaramaya Dagaba was started to build by King Mahasena in 277 to 304 AD and it took a long time to complete. King's son, King Mahadewa finally completed it. Situated inside the Jethawana Monastery.

Lankaramaya Sthupa was also build by Kind Valagambahu in 103 BC and c. 89 to 77 BC . This calm and peaceful sthupa is small in size when comparison to other sthupas in Atsmasthana but archeologists believe that there was a shelter for this stupa.

Thuparama stupa has been built by king Devanampiyathissa in 307 BC to 267 BC once after Buddism has introduced to Sri Lanka. Over the stupa was covered with a Vatadage or roof and pillars the ruins still could be seen.

Other than Atamasthanaya there are many important places within Anuradapuraya ancient city. Isurumuniya, Thisawawa, Ran Masu Uyana for example. Outside the city on Mannar road the Thanthirimale Royal Temple said to be the place where the on tourage brining the sacred Bo Sapling rested on their way to Anuradhapura.

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