There are 53 different species of reptiles from small geckos and skinks to large monitors as well as snakes in Sri Lanka. Among them 23 species are endemic and 24 nationally threatended.
New research on horn is little-known and much endangered genus of agamid lizard, which is found only in the tropical lowland and mountain cloud forests of Sri Lanka, is poised to shed a great deal of light on these creatures unusual horns. data is still being analyzed, but the primary hypothesis is that the horns are used in communication within specific species.
Knuckles Mountain range which situated east of Kandy, home to various species of species of lizzard with high biodiversity. Knuckles Mountain Range could divide to Riveston (Northern mountains of Knuckles) and Deenston (South-eastern mountains of Knuckles).Specially the endemic Cerataphora lizard species are hidden gems of the country's founa.
The most well known horn lizard from Knuckels Mountain Range, honour of Irish politician James Emerson Tennent, who was Colonial Secretary of Ceylon (1845,1850) Certophora Tennentii commonly known as Leaf Nosed Lizard was named. Its horns look more like a leaf blade, diurnal, slow-moving species associated with tree trunks and cardamom stalks. Hatchlings were mainly confined to forest leaf litter and low shrubs. Restricted only at elevations of 760-1220m above sea level
Dumbara Pygmy Lizard or Cophotis Dumbara (Dumbara Kuru Bodilima) which found in 2006 is an anther rare point endemic lizard from the Knuckles Mountain Range. It is a small in size and due to the slow behavior, hardly seen among the vegetation its inhabits in Dienston and Riveston.
Hump Nosed Lizard found in Knuckles Range is a large lizard which inhabitants of forests with high canopy but found on low trees as well as on the ground, and active by the day, ascending higher reaches of trees to sleep at night.
Whistling Lisard or Calotes Iiolepis which first time explored in 1885 also from Knuckels Mountain Ragne and surrounding. Unusual among agamid lizards as is its habit of uttering a high pitched whistle when alarmed.
First time explored in 1872 Crestless lizard or Calotes liocephalus is a rare agamid also found from Knuckles Massif or Knuckles Mountain Range. The rarity of this species is apparently due to destruction of its forested habitats, which has been converted to cardamom plantations of some parts of the Knuckles Mountain range.